QP Update 7.02.12 - Spaced Aerial Cables

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QP Update 7.02.12 - Spaced Aerial Cables

Unread postby Sonideft » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:15 pm

This update is a result of our verification work on Hendrix Spaced Aerial Cable Systems. An additional field that contains the surface area for the spacers used in spaced aerial cable systems has been added to the wire edit feature within the Data Manager. Appropriate defaults are provided for average spacer weights and surface area, based on our judgement, that you are required to accept or change.

As a reminder, when you define a wire to be used as the messenger in a spaced aerial cable system, you also define what wires/cables will be attached at the same time, as a General Wire. You can create a Preferred Wire based on this General Wire if you wish to also assign standard installation stringing tensions by ruling span length groupings.

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