QP Update 7.02.20 - New csv export, and more

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QP Update 7.02.20 - New csv export, and more

Unread postby Sonideft » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:46 am

In this update:
  1. A new csv export was added that captured Design Details for anchor locations and attached guy heights. This is to assist users in detailing plans/drawings for new pole line builds.
  2. The ability to display your company's logo on published reports for your clients has been made possible on all reports now. To take advantage of this, go to Tools->Options->Quick Pole Settings->Images. If you don't provide a logo for your reports, a professionally looking generic logo will be placed instead.
  3. Bug fix - The Stringing Table Chart used by clients on new pole line builds/upgrades provides both Initial and Final tables of both Sags and Tensions. Although most customers will be using the Initial tables, unless you are re-stringing wires that have been in place for several years, the Final tables were actually showing Initial values. This has been corrected.
  4. The Pole Staking Report has been enhanced with the addition of Northing/Easting values for both pole and anchor locations. This is useful for staking new builds or work by surveyors or others using survey grade equipment. Both Imperial and Metric units are supported.
  5. The unloaded temperature load cases that are added for the Sags & Tensions Calculator and various Detailed Sag & tension Reports will now better match the "units" selected. Prior to this, only metric units were supported with direct conversion to standard/imperial units. Now, non-metric projects or calculations will see increments of 10 degrees Fahrenheit instead of odd-looking values converted from metric (Celsius)
  6. plus a few other minor UI improvements we implemented during our review of these areas.

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