QP Update 7.02.21- Span Editor Enhancement

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QP Update 7.02.21- Span Editor Enhancement

Unread postby Sonideft » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:45 pm

Most designers won't need this feature, but we added the ability to launch a specific span attachment into the Sags & tensions Calculator; where so much more details are available for inspection. Use the button on the far right of each table to use this feature.

An exact copy of the span attachment in question is populated into the Sags & Tensions Calculator (including weather settings) for you to explore more details and other possible options for configuration. It does not operate as an editor, as it only works on a copy. So feel free to experiment without modifying your original project. We have found the feature useful in our own verification work and some users may appreciate this as well.

As a bug fix, opening a Design and closing it again without changes will no longer ask you if you want to save.

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