QP Update 7.03.08 - Ruling Span Options

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QP Update 7.03.08 - Ruling Span Options

Unread postby Sonideft » Sat Aug 03, 2024 11:34 am

This update includes more functions for investigating Ruling Span calculations within Quick Pole.

You can now select multiple poles or the spans between them, enabling a right-click menu option to calculate that segment's Ruling Span and have the option to apply it automatically to those included spans. Additionally the option to reset/clear this value is also available.

As a reminder, Ruling Spans are calculated within Quick Pole, but you have the option to enter your preferred value. The Ruling span is used to select the proper tension from the preferred wires dataset for various organizations. Typically for power utilities, three different stringing tension values are available for a wire, depending on the Ruling Span. At wire installation time and temperature, the stringing tension of whole segments of pole lines are tensioned equally using pullies or other slip-through wire connectors. Afterwards, the wire is assumed to be firmly attached using the supporting hardware. This is called "clipped" in PLS-CADD terms. To be clear, Ruling Span values are used by line technicians to select which page of installation tensions should be selected from their handbook. Usually these break down into urban, rural and long rural sections, with up to a kilometer or mile of wire being tensioned at the same time.

Quick Pole has a "Project Level Report" available that shows details of the internal Ruling Span calculations, plus notes it in each wire's analysis messages.

This update also resolves an issue with generating DXF files from the Plan View; which was created in the last update.

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