QP Update 7.03.09 - SQLite Import feature and others

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QP Update 7.03.09 - SQLite Import feature and others

Unread postby Sonideft » Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:07 am

In this update, SQLite imports can now define anchor locations relative to the pole they are connected (lead, bearing, etc). Previously this import type only accepted exact longitude and latitude locations for these anchors. For some customers, this extra option will make their processes more efficient.
The online database schema and blank import file have been updated on our website, available directly or through the online Help.

An additional feature is the ability to automatically connect poles after import. For some customers, only pole/anchors are initially imported, followed by the process of connecting poles together to define spans and then adding span attachments. Now if you select several or all poles in the Plan View or Explorer View, you can right-click on any pole and select "Make Connection/Span". Quick Pole will review the selected poles and automatically make span connections. The feature is not guaranteed to be fool-proof, but on test projects it seems to work quite well. It should save some customers some processing steps.

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