QP 7.04.03 - Various improvements

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QP 7.04.03 - Various improvements

Unread postby Sonideft » Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:03 pm

This update covers various small improvements for users.

1. KML exports. The standard KML export for structures now includes several other data fields that can be seen by selecting the structure in Google Earth (or similar) programs. Clearance Points is still an option to be included in the KML export. A set of audit-type data such as ground clearance, lowest power, etc., have been added to the output and are seen by clicking on one of these points, similar to structures above.
2. Picture Editor/Viewer. This viewer now handles a mixture of file-based and Internet-based pictures more effectively. Some users have seen the need to update internet-based (url) pictures with newer pictures stored on a network or the user's computer after the initial project import. The Reset Directory for file-based pictures has been updated with a question of whether all structures should point to the new selected directory. This supports users who have one directory for all pictures used in the Design. The other common option is to have one directory per structure location. Now both options are better supported.
3. Recent Files. On the Start Page for Quick Pole, a list of recent project files is displayed. By hovering over an item, the full file path including directory will now appear in the status bar. This provides more complete information for all users and better support for similarly-named project files in different directories. In addition, you can now right-click on one of these recent files and see an option to open a file Explorer Window at the item's stored location.
4. The Audit Report error counts have been updated to ensure no double-counting of issues appear on the first page's project summary. A few adjustments to what constitutes an error were also implemented, based on user feedback. A defect in how pdf bookmarks were displayed is also included in this update. Viewing the audit report in any pdf viewer, structures with any audit errors counted are prefixed by "***" for easier locating in the document.
5. Editing of Soil Class. When you edit the default Soil Class at the Design level, Quick Pole also asked you if you wanted to update the Soil Class used at all the structure locations. There are some Soil Classes which are weak where the recommended depth of setting changes by an additional 2 feet, in accordance with standard utility practice. This would change the attachment height above ground for any structure where there is a change from stronger to weaker soils (soil class 6 and above), or vice versa. In this update, if this occurs, you will be asked if you would like the attachment heights adjusted for the difference in height above ground. This is normally what you want to do to keep the framing of the structure from the top the same. This same feature is now enabled at the single structure editing level as well.

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