Quick Pole Verification Project

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Quick Pole Verification Project

Unread postby Sonideft » Wed Nov 20, 2024 11:29 am

Some of you may know already, but we have done many different major and minor verification tests and projects to help ensure that Quick Pole delivers the most accurate results to its users. Since we have Professional Engineers as Directors of our company, engineering due diligence is core to how we operate.

Oftentimes we receive questions that put Sonideft in a direct us versus them comparison situation that we don't believe is beneficial for all concerned. We think users deserve better than this. To that end we have begun a project to create a non-partisan, fair and comparable set of tests and questions that cover a wide range of scenarios that we believe are in a level playing field.

Our intent is that we evaluate 99% of the areas important to Designers in the overall Line Design space. This is where you come in. We would love to hear your feedback on the areas we have identified for testing. Our first draft is available for review at https://sonideft.com/Verification/html/Introduction.html. We have shared this with others as well to permit other Line Design Professionals and experts in the Utility Industry to contribute. As we are leading the Industry is such a project, the evaluation framework will be made publicly available for other to use as they see fit.

After a brief amount of time to incorporate feedback, we will begin populating our results along with at least one other reference set of results, and publicize the results and comparisons on our website. Please note that all feedback will be considered. However, some filtering may occur if a defect in software's results is believed to be captured with one of the existing tests. We need to be mindful that generating the results being asked by this framework will take considerable effort already.

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