Recent Quick Pole Updates

Quick Pole News
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Recent Quick Pole Updates

Unread postby Sonideft » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:20 pm

Several recent features have been added to Quick Pole including the ability to have multiple sidewalk fixtures at different angles attached to the same pole, plus better Push Brace support. Sidewalk fixtures are fully evaluated against the corresponding hardware standards: maximum compression capacity of strut, ability to increase size of strut from 2" pipe to 2.5" pipe for additional capacity, maximum compressive force limits of hardware, end guy clamp ability to handle the difference in tension between the upper and lower guy wires at the end of the strut; plus user interactive design/view of the fixture in general. Push Brace ability has been enhanced to tell you the length and class of pole required for the brace. Compression limits of the push brace are tested starting with a class 5 pole requirement and increasing to Class 4 pole, if required.

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