Additional User Features - Version 6.74.44

Quick Pole News
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Additional User Features - Version 6.74.44

Unread postby Sonideft » Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:17 pm

This update includes a few feature updates and a few bug fixes.

Coordinates Editor - This window has additional fields shown in the table such as Design Notes and Make Ready Notes and End of Study indicators.

User-Flagged structures - You can now mark any structure so that it can be easily found in the Coordinates Editor or Plan View. This can be useful in any situation the user wishes. In the Plan View, a right-click option is available to find and select these structures quickly. You can also select all structures with errors. These abilities coupled with other existing features such as reporting and exports, offer more capability for most designers.

KML exports have been improved to include this new user-flagged attribute, and also to color-code their "pins" in Google Earth (or similar) based on the analysis and user-flagged status.

The most significant bug fix was to ensure that sorting for reports and the Explorer View (part of Plan View) works based on option settings (Tools->Options) for the main structure name, survey name or alt name. The sorting in now alphabetical instead of searching for a number to sort within the label.

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