Resources | Common Questions
We have been asked many questions over the years so we would like to answer the most common. This list will grow over time as more inquiries are made. If you cannot find what you seek, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
About Sonideft
- 1995 Sonideft developed a "one-pole-at-a-time" pole line analysis tool called Autopole. It was based on Finite Element Analysis and performed a Linear Structural Analysis, some on-pole and mid-span separation tests. It did not calculate sags & tensions itself and relied on a database of pre-calculated values.
- 2004 Sonideft incorporated.
- 2013 Quick Pole was created to replace Autopole, perform its own sags & tension calculations, addressing non-linear effects and many poles in a geographic area at the same time.
- Corporate headquarters based just outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- The founder has over 35 years of experience designing pole lines with Bell Canada and is a registered professional engineer in multiple provinces of Canada.
- Sonideft is actively involved with the development of national standards and sits on several CSA technical committees:
- C22.3 No.1 overhead systems
- C22.3 No.7 underground systems
- C22.3 No.60826 reliability-based design
- C83 pole line hardware
- C22.3 No.5 electrical protection-electric contact, overhead supply and communication lines
- CSA 015 wood utility poles and reinforcing stubs
- Proud supporter of:
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
- Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
- Professional Engineers of Ontario
- Quick Pole is used in North America by many different power utilities, communication utilities and their supporting design consultant companies.
- Sonideft looks forward to helping customers in other parts of the world as well.
About Quick Pole
- Sags & tension calculations for span attachments using the latest in nonlinear material characteristics for up to two different materials in the same attachment. This ability can also handle attachments that are attached higher on one pole than another.
- Clearance tests for the maximum sag point of the lowest span attachment, and at any defined point(s) along the span. Tests can be to national standards or to pole owner requirements.
- Mid-span separation tests. The lowest power wire and the highest communications wire (including line of sight) are tested against national standard requirements.
- On-pole separation tests. Power, communication span attachments, hardware, conduits and mechanical protection points are tested for their separation distances on the pole and tested to national and pole owner requirements.
- Advanced structural analysis. Linear and nonlinear analysis are both available. Geometric nonlinearity and load nonlinearity are included by default and are supported by graphical representations and reports.
- Extensive reporting ability is available for each pole structure. Project-wide reports are also available and can be combined with a selectable list of structure reports for one-click complete project reporting.
- Yes. Simply load your data, share it with others and use it in any project.
- Pole owner requirements exceeding national standards are also supported for clearances.
- Based on feedback from our users, it is. Even with combining more functionality than most similar programs into one, most users require very little guidance before becoming efficient. Some users ask for no assistance at all and figure it out by themselves.
- Sonideft provides support for any question you have, during normal business hours and sometimes beyond. We want to help you get the best value out of Quick Pole. Sometimes it is a simple question and sometimes you have a difficult pole and seeking an acceptable solution. We’re here to help.
- Quick Pole has been tested against other software tools and has always posted these tests and others on its website, for anyone to critique, since 2015.
- Quick Pole is based on fundamental engineering principles and leading research created by others and Sonideft themselves.
- Yes. Classroom or online training sessions are available through Sonideft accredited training partners.
- Quick Pole is the lowest priced total solution that we are aware of. It is difficult to compare some solutions as they only provide one of several pieces of functionality that Quick Pole provides; yet at higher or equal cost. This means you typically need to acquire more software to do the same job and then transpose information manually between them.
- Yes. The founder and principle engineer is actively involved in the utility industry and national standards development. Quick Pole software updates are delivered automatically once or more a month and provide new features and functionality that customers have been requesting.
Quick Pole can run on any 64 bit version of Windows (other than Windows 8) that has at least 2.0GB of RAM. Performance will be best on computers with at least 8GB of RAM.
Mainly Java, which is bundled with Quick Pole as part of the installation process. This version is only used by Quick Pole and will not interfere with anything else on your computer. It also uses web services to communicate with our server over the Internet for software updates, database updates and license validation. This works over the same Internet ports as your Browser, so no special firewall rules are required.
Sonideft has spent considerable effort to ensure that the loads assumed to be applied to the pole(s) are as accurate as possible. Since the tensions, weights and wind forces from wire/messenger attachments are the most significant of all loads on a pole, we accurately modeled these with nonlinear sags and tensions to within 1 or 2 percent of what leading programs would suggest.
Other tools either assume wires/messengers don't stretch permanently (only elastically at a fixed rate), or they assume that a wire's tension is the same all along a pole line, even if the span lengths vary considerably. This can result in mis-representation of true attachment loads that should be applied to the pole.
Quick Pole's focus is to serve local power distribution utilities, communication companies, railway companies and the military with:
- Joint use pole lines
- Power distribution-only lines
- Non-joint use communication pole lines
- Railway pole lines
- Military power and communication pole lines
Quick Pole is not focused on long-haul long-span power transmission lines, even though some of the same required capability will be present. Urban and non-urban power/communication distribution lines typically have spans less than 100 meters. This is not a restriction, just a statement of what project types where Sonideft will seek to optimize the user experience. Quick Pole helps companies deal with Pole Attacher attachment applications, assessing the make ready requirements, including the amount of pole capacity used (utilization).
We serve the needs of users in Canada and the USA.